the inner artist monster
Condemned to a life without arms (when her fears were given license to be evil - by her) she hungers to eat her joy. Her body builds the goodness her hands once created. If only she could get back there, but she is forever in a useless contained continuum, never getting her joy, never going anywhere if she did.

the inner artist monster is resigned
she's given up trying

inner artist monster
when all is said and done

the inner artist monster
Condemned to a life without arms (when her fears were given license to be evil - by her) she hungers to eat her joy. Her body builds the goodness her hands once created. If only she could get back there, but she is forever in a useless contained continuum, never getting her joy, never going anywhere if she did.
the inner artist monster is resigned
she's given up trying
inner artist monster
when all is said and done
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