30th March to 16th April 2023


SONG: the music that takes existence way beyond practical human mundanity

STONE: the solid unmovable, benign cement of time

All the works combine freedom and constraint .. the unheld with the held, flight singing with its inevitable lore of physics. 

The sensual always wins, the unfettered dream, of deep persistent senses, rises.

Shapes and lines that punctuate the silence with nudges into spaces of opportunity, nudges that expand, just as thoughts can grow and elevate out of time. 

The execution is the battleground, silent and personal, where endless opportunity comes under, or fights with, ceaseless management.

Using and incorporating found material is an essential and critical part of the sculptural practice. Undeniably anxious about using new objects and material, when so much waste occurs on building sites, at home or in industry, Jo hunts and gathers. Not only is there a sense of satisfaction and discovery in that process, it also serves as a kind of constraint or direction to the creativity required to use the materials – to transition them into a new aesthetic form.   It mirrors the concept of the freedom of thought and the song’s composition with the requirement to specify a note.

The works have no bling, are about deep humanness, their meaning growing over time, like nudges that become fully fledged feelings. They are gentle, I want them to be gentle, have a mind scent that lingers.   Yet there's a strength, they will not disappear and they take their place on the wall or in space like any act of understanding.

there is a video here (about 6 mins) of me describing some work recently:

if having trouble viewing - it is also available on this page:





coloured ones